TPlacement component v1.01


Requires TKinComponentList object and property editor

TPlacement component is designed for remembering and restoring a placement of several controls (and their sizes).

The list of controls is accumulated in TKinComponentList object. At design-time TPlacement component uses TKinComponentList Property Editor for gathering controls.

At run-time the Apply method may be used for restoring a placement remembered by the component. At design-time double-clicking the TPlacement component perfoms the same operation.

TPlacement component has single key published property:

  Members: TKinComponentList  -- it contains the list of controls linked
                                 to the component.

There is the second published property that you need not touch because it is filled automatically when the Members property changes:

  Placements: TStringList -- list parallel to the Members; each string
                             contains four numbers (Top, Left. Height, Width).

TPlacement component has (beside usual Create and Destroy methods) a single public method:

  Apply -- restores the rectangles (Top, Left, Height, Width) of all controls
           in the Members list.

It seems to be worth saying that TPlacement component may be used not only for GUI forms but for QuickReport forms also.

TPlacement component works for Delphi 1/2/3/4 and C++Builder 1/3. No warranties, use this component at your own risk.

TPlacement component is freeware, you may use it for both non-commercial and commercial purposes free of charge. But note that TKinComponentList compound (object and Property Editor) on which TPlacement component relies is shareware with its own rights.

Send comments, suggestions, questions etc. to the author of the component: Alexander Kopilovitch